Specialized Labs

Information Security Lab

InfoSec is a new Lab that aims to increase the awareness about information security among people.

We started the InfoSec lab to do advanced research projects in the field of security and to spread the awareness of information security as we found that the level of security awareness is very low in Egypt. There are lots of bad security practices and very low care of the security level of several systems or web services built, so any of these can be easily broken into by any attacker which puts many valuable data endangered.

We believe that it’s necessary for our country to have new generations that are fully aware of this field. We aim to teach those who are interested in information security everything they need to be highly skilled and fully aware of the latest security techniques and threats and how to deal with them. We also aim to create new security solutions to solve many security problems faced by people around the world in our lab and produce valuable information security researches in various information security fields.

Our vision:

We want to provide a good environment for youth who are interested in information security to learn more, and increase and share their experiences with others. These youth will be able to give more in useful security projects and researches that will make good contributions in the information security field.

Research Interests:

  • Cloud computing security
  • Web security
  • Network security
  • Smartphone security
  • Database security
  • Water marking
  • Information system security
  • Security policy
  • Maleware analysis
  • Security gateway (Firewall, intrusion detection, Antivirus)
  • SQL injection
  • Penetration testing
  • Wireless security
  • Honeypot
  • Performance evaluation of security mechanisms