Medical Informatics Program

سياسة الجامعة

About the program

It is a program specialized in designing and developing information technology and its practical applications within medical institutions. This software helps provide doctors and surgeons with accurate quantitative and visual data about the patient's health condition, which in turn contributes to diagnosing various diseases more accurately

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سياسة الجامعة

Program Mission

The Medical Informatics Program seeks to prepare a distinguished graduate, scientifically and professionally, capable of preparing digital medical software and advanced technologies in the field of specialization, keeping pace with scientific development, serving the community, and competing in the local and regional labor market.

سياسة الجامعة

Program Goals

  • Deepening understanding and knowledge of medical informatics and its technologies.
  • Providing opportunities for scientific research in the field of medical informatics.
  • Preparing specialists in designing innovative applications and promoting new technology to improve health care.
  • Preparing specialized and highly efficient cadres in collecting, discovering and analyzing medical records data to serve scientific research and help various parties achieve integrated health care.
  • Preparing a graduate capable of competing in the field of medical informatics and its applications at the local and regional levels.
  • Providing a study program that keeps pace with global program design systems in the field of specialization
  • Providing more space for students for scientific and laboratory training that keeps pace with the requirements of the labor market and the needs of institutions related to the field.
  • Developing the skills of continuous learning and self-education among graduates to keep pace with scientific developments in the field of specialization
سياسة الجامعة

Teaching Assistant

 Teaching Assistant    Hager Mohamed
جامعة حلوان

Helwan University strives to be a leading educational and research institution in technology and the arts, and excels in education and sciences according to international quality standards

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جامعة حلوان