Postgraduate Studies

Pioneering research and excellence in applied research in the fields of information systems, computer science, artificial intelligence, big data and information technology, as well as contributing to building, developing and analyzing smart and digital systems and applications that help achieve digital transformation.

- Building an advanced educational system that keeps pace with the rapid growth in the fields of computers, information, artificial intelligence and digital transformation.
- Keeping pace with modern scientific trends by updating curricula.
Providing more space for advanced practical training to keep pace with work requirements in all state institutions. - Allowing students the freedom to choose the specializations they wish to study in line with their inclinations and interests.
- Providing the appropriate scientific climate for faculty members and researchers to pursue new and advanced scientific specializations.
- Providing the opportunity to distinguish between the different abilities of students and enabling distinguished students to achieve their scientific ambitions.

Added Values
Added Values of Graduate Programs:
1- The college's graduate programs aim to develop academic and applied capabilities, scientific thinking and development in the fields of computers, information, artificial intelligence and digital transformation, using modern scientific techniques and methods through studying a number of advanced academic courses in the programs.
2- The programs also aim to develop independent thinking and the ability to innovate and develop, and thus add new things in the fields of computers, information, artificial intelligence and digital transformation.
3- The research projects chosen by students aim to follow specialized scientific and technical principles, in addition to providing advanced quality courses, knowledge and skills in the fields of computers, information, artificial intelligence and digital transformation for students enrolled in the program to become able to develop innovative solutions in the field of industry for these specializations.
4- The programs were designed after holding several meetings with representatives of the software industry in Egypt and abroad and sharing their opinions during the design stages of the academic programs to ensure that the programs cover the real needs of the labor market.
5- It was also taken into account that the programs include courses based on virtual teamwork skills and based on the use of Internet technology in software development and overcoming time and geographical barriers.
6- The regulation is based on the credit hour system, in line with the system followed in most accredited programs in international universities, which gives the student the opportunity to choose the courses of study for his research direction, which deepens and is in line with the rapid technical and academic development in the fields of computers, information, artificial intelligence, and digital transformation.