Training Unit

Unit Director's Word
We strive to provide the best training programs that contribute to developing the skills of our students and preparing them for the labor market. We believe that practical training is a link between the academic side and the requirements of the labor market, and therefore we always strive to update our programs and adapt them to modern developments.
We in the Training Unit work hand in hand with various entities and companies to provide valuable training opportunities, and we hope that all our students will benefit from these opportunities to achieve their professional and personal ambitions.

Vision and Mission
The College's Training Unit seeks to be a pioneer in qualifying male and female students by providing distinguished training programs that enable them to acquire the skills and experiences necessary to keep pace with the requirements of the labor market and achieve excellence in their professional fields.
The Training Unit is committed to providing quality training opportunities in cooperation with leading entities and institutions, with the aim of enhancing students' applied skills, preparing them for the labor market, and developing their abilities to innovate and create, through an integrated training environment that supports continuous learning and the development of competencies.

Objectives of the College's Training Unit:
Developing practical skills: Providing students with the skills and applied knowledge that qualify them to integrate into the labor market efficiently.
Enhancing partnerships with training institutions: Building cooperative relationships with institutions and companies to provide distinguished training opportunities for students.
Raising the level of professional readiness: Preparing students for the labor market through specialized training programs that simulate the real work environment.
Achieving integration between education and training: Linking curricula with practical application to ensure comprehensive qualification for students.
Supporting innovation and entrepreneurship: Encouraging students to develop their ideas and transform them into successful projects through training and guidance.
Providing an advanced training environment: Using the latest means and technologies in training to raise the quality of educational outcomes.
Monitoring and evaluating the performance of student trainees: Measuring the impact of training programs to ensure achieving the desired goals and improving them continuously.
Developing personal and professional skills: Enhancing communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills to enable students to achieve success in their professional lives.

Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board of Directors | Dean of the College | Prof. Osama Emam |
Unit Director | Vice Dean of the Faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs | Prof. Amal Al-Sayed Abu Tabl |
Director of the Unit | Lecturer in the Department of Computer Sciences | Dr. Ahmed Hesham |
Member | College Secretary | Mr. Imad El-Din Saeed |
Member | Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Computer Sciences | Mr. Ahmed Sawwar |
Member | Youth Care Department | A. Ayoub Mohammed Ibrahim |
Member | President of the College Students Union |