Quality Assurance Unit

The Quality Assurance Unit was established in the Faculty of Computers and Information in 2006. The unit was approved as an administrative entity responsible for monitoring and evaluating performance within the faculty pursuant to the decision of the Faculty of Computers and Information Council No. (120) dated 8/14/2006.

سياسة الجامعة

Unit Director's Word

The rapid progress in our world imposes great challenges on us in all fields, especially the field of education. Traditional education is no longer the desired thing now, but the concepts of quality have emerged, linked first to industry and then included all areas of life, especially the field of education. The amount of knowledge is no longer the criterion by which the graduate is measured, but rather the means of teaching, learning and self-learning, and the ability to develop oneself, compete, cooperate and continuously improve. This is what comprehensive quality processes aspire to. The Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Computers and Information was started by distinguished professors who made great efforts in order to apply for accreditation. In continuation of this journey, the faculty, thank God, applied for accreditation in January 2015, and we are awaiting the visit of the National Authority for Quality and Accreditation of Education in May 2015. As the faculty continues to work day and night to achieve this dream, we hope that our work will be crowned with obtaining academic accreditation and that we will truly become an accredited faculty and that our graduate will become an “accredited graduate”.

We ask God to crown our work with success, for He is the best Lord and the best Supporter,,,

Director of the Quality Assurance Unit
Prof. Dr. Yasser Hafni

سياسة الجامعة

Vision and Mission


Developing the basic mechanisms for internal quality assurance systems to achieve continuous improvement of performance.


The Quality Assurance Unit seeks to achieve comprehensive quality and continuous development of the college’s performance.

سياسة الجامعة


  • Documenting the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the college and the mechanism for updating them.
  • Spreading the culture of quality and ensuring accreditation among faculty members, their assistants, members of the administrative apparatus, employees, and students of the college, which achieves excellence in performance and supports the accomplishment of tasks.
  • Achieving the mission of the college and its strategic goals by ensuring the quality of educational, research, and community activities.
  • Improving the quality and type of academic programs granted by the college, which is reflected in the level of graduates and their competitive ability.
  • Establishing a system for receiving and following up on student complaints, as well as a mechanism for dealing with them.
  • Preparing the annual report for performance evaluation and quality assurance at the college and submitting it to the Dean of the College.
  • Implementing the necessary mechanisms to achieve internal review systems and their continuity.
  • Creating a complete database for the college that includes (faculty members - faculty assistants - college employees and employees - college students - college programs - academic degrees granted by the college - description of programs and courses - identifying beneficiaries of college graduates and their requirements)
  • Promoting the values ​​of excellence and competitive ability in all specializations affiliated with the college.
  • Ensuring that the conditions and requirements of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation are met and qualifying the college to obtain accreditation.
  • Gaining the community's confidence in graduates and proposing the establishment of new programs according to the needs of the community.
  • Raising the level of community participation of the college to ensure the provision of distinguished services in terms of quality and quantity to gain the satisfaction of the beneficiaries' document.
  • Regulating the college's performance in the field of serving the complex and developing the environment and raising and increasing communication between the college and its graduates.
  • Maximizing the performance of the various departments through evaluation reports for the Department of Continuous Improvement and Development to reach the required level of quality.
  • Establishing mechanisms to activate the internal and external evaluation of the college's academic and non-academic activities.
  • Full communication with the Quality Assurance and Project Management Center at the university.
  • Actual participation in various regional and international conferences organized by the National Committee for Quality Assurance and Accreditation.
سياسة الجامعة

Unit tasks

The Quality Assurance Unit represents the mechanism through which internal evaluation and review is carried out with the aim of ensuring the quality of the college's educational, research and service activities and the elements affecting them and improving their level of performance.

This includes identifying shortcomings and obstacles, recognizing good practices, and developing proposals for continuous improvement with the aim of obtaining accreditation.

سياسة الجامعة

Board of Directors

Formation of the Board of Directors of the Quality Assurance Unit at the College, as well as the formation of the committees emanating from the Quality Assurance Unit at the College
Chairman of the Board of Directors Dean of the College Prof. Osama Emam
Unit Director Professor of Information Technology Department Prof. Yasser Hefny
Member College Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs  Prof. Manal Abdel Kader
Member Head of Computer Science Department Prof. Amal Abo Tabl
Member College Secretary  Mr. Imad Saeed Ismail


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Helwan University strives to be a leading educational and research institution in technology and the arts, and excels in education and sciences according to international quality standards

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