Community Service and Environmental Development Unit

Unit Director's Word
Colleges and universities are no longer isolated entities from their environment, but have become a key partner in achieving progress and development, which we are keen on in our unit by activating the role of the college in serving the community, enhancing environmental awareness, and implementing development projects that leave a positive and sustainable impact.
Through the Community Service and Environmental Development Unit, we seek to link scientific research with the needs of the community, organize training and awareness events and programs, support volunteer work, and enhance partnership with various bodies and institutions, which contributes to raising the quality of life and achieving comprehensive development.

Vision and Mission
Leadership in community service and environmental development by providing sustainable initiatives and programs that contribute to enhancing the college’s role in achieving community development and stimulating effective partnership between the academic institution and the local community.
The Community Service and Environmental Development Unit seeks to enhance the college’s social responsibility by implementing awareness and training programs, supporting development projects, encouraging volunteer work, and linking scientific research to the needs of society, in order to achieve sustainable development and improve the quality of life.

Strengthening the role of the college in serving the community by implementing development and awareness programs targeting various societal groups.
Linking scientific research to the needs of the community and encouraging studies and research projects that contribute to solving societal problems and achieving sustainable development.
Organizing awareness campaigns and environmental events aimed at spreading environmental awareness and promoting positive behaviors to preserve natural resources.
Encouraging volunteer work among students, faculty members and employees of the college, and promoting a culture of social responsibility through participation in service initiatives.
Establishing partnerships with governmental and private institutions to support and implement projects that serve the local community and achieve integration between the college and the community.
Implementing training programs and workshops aimed at developing the skills of individuals and enhancing their capabilities in various professional and social fields.
Contributing to improving the university environment by implementing environmental projects that enhance sustainability and provide a healthy and safe educational environment.
Following up and evaluating the impact of community projects and activities to ensure the achievement of the desired goals and improving the quality of future initiatives.
Providing community consultations and services that help solve social and economic problems and enhance comprehensive development.
Integrating college students into community issues and motivating them to participate effectively in development projects that contribute to building a better future.

Unit Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board of Directors | Prof. Dr. Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs | Prof. Dr. Amal Abu Tabl |
Member | Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science | Dr. Ahmed Hesham |
Member | Lecturer in the Department of Information Systems | Dr. Wael Abbas |
Member | College Secretary | Mr. Imad El-Din Saeed |
Member | Secretary of the College for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs | Ms. Dalia Eid |