Free training grant for final year college students

A great opportunity provided by the Information Technology Institute (ITI) in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology for fourth-year undergraduate students in the Faculty of Computers and Information:

1) A free training course in the field of cybersecurity for a year.

2) Study it online

3) Obtain an internationally accredited certificate in cybersecurity from the EC Council.

The initiative is divided into three stages:

1) The first stage: 8 courses are studied online (self-study) on the maharatech website.. and a badge is obtained upon completion of studying all courses. This is during the first semester of the academic year 2023-2024. This stage is for all students who wish to join it.

2) Those who obtain the badge move to the second stage, which is a week during the mid-year vacation, studying in one of the ITI branches as a practical stage, and at the end of it, students are evaluated through various projects and filtered among them.

3) Based on these qualifiers, students are selected to join the third and final stage. They will be given a code for CE Council courses worth more than $500 to study online. There will be a mentor assigned to each group once a week for inquiries. Students will take the exam in these courses, and when they pass these courses, they will obtain the accredited international certificate. This will be during the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year. In return for passing these courses, they will be included in the year’s work, especially for a course that will open in the second semester.


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